maanantai 9. heinäkuuta 2012

2009 part2

"... will not eat fat from the ham, always has to be fastidious. If it would be war time again... When I was young we didn`t have christmas ham at all. We had one pig ...and that we had to eat in october. We ate it becaus there was shortage of everything and of food. There was no almond in rice porridge, rice wasn`t even invented when I was a child. Now they have these all sorts of games, gizmos and gadgets... to play around all night long and shoot with and then they sleep all day and won`t work. All they do is complain how bored they are... When I was only five I woke up five a.m. and with my bare hands dug a well in a forrest..." -old mans bitter words.

When forces of nature walk waddling I don`t want to think what is beautiful and what ugly.

This morning I woke up into darkness, where my eyes couldn`t see a thing. Only my ears could make observations in this surrounding darkness, which was filled by buzzing that suffocated all other noices. ...WASPS! During the night my head had turned into a huge wasps nest.

Lemon gut.

(left)Bus ride was starting to take scary turn when two people sitting with me in the back seat were replaced by a black hole. I believe full moon had something to do with this. (middle) Worried face of Nikolai, who is sitting in front of me, reach over the seat to ask;"Are there going to be more of those?" I look out the window to my left. You can`t see the moon there, and reply: "I don`t think so." Trying to assure myself. (right) We were starting to reach the end of our journey when the hole finally spoke. It told it was going to the graveyard, which night time beauty it`s pale lips were praising. It asked me to come there too. But I had warm sauna waiting for me so I politely declined. "Maybe next time." I replied.

This is the graveyard where girl leans to me. She whispers to my ear she wants me. But something is wrong and I cant get erection and girl starts to laugh.

Lets shake hands.

I tear down the sun so that you too could have your share of this darkness.


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